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For Booking Contact:


Barjona Andrews, BCBA

Founder of Autism Complete, LLC


Barjona  Andrews has over 6 years of experience working with children with Autism. While earning her Master's Degree is Special Education, Ms. Andrews began working as an Autism teacher in Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools. It was there where she first recieved specialized training in Applied Behavior Analysis. During her 5 year teaching career, Barjona worked across several districts and gained experience with children on various  levels of the spectrum.  In 2014, Ms. Andrews established to provide resources for Autism teachers and services providers across the globe. She combined knowledge of research-based autism  intervention strategies with years of classroom experience.  The result is a user friendly, common core aligned, effective program that promotes success in academic skills and language acquisition. To date, the site has had over 5,000 users from over 30 countries.


Barjona Andrews has also become a local advocate and nationwide spokesperson for Autism Awareness.  Autism Complete has amassed over 10,000 followers across 3 social media sites. Ms. Andrews was recently featured on a  local television program as an Autism Specialist.  In the video clip below, Barjona is interviewed by local journalist, Samantha Caldwell for the Stan Watson show (interview begins on minute 17).


In 2014, Mrs. Andrews successfully coordinated fundraising efforts  to sponsor camp for local children with Autism.  One year later, she again successfully raised funds to sponsor a free spa day for Autism Moms in

Atlanta, Ga.


Barjona Andrews has a unique passion and understanding for reaching Autistic learners.  She currently works across the Atlanta, Ga area as an in-home behavior therapist and as a behavioral consultant for public and private schools. 



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